Saturday, September 4, 2010

Resistence is futile.. not.

today's the start of the 1 week short holiday, very short indeed.
the first day is already coming to an end while i'm typing this.
yesterday's has gotta be one of the most epic day this year,
( well i'm not even sure if there previously there were any similar occasions )
haha, let's take a PEE.

today started off well.. i guess.
but i hate the way it ended, i could have done much more significent things.
yet i chose to go basketball instead.
when can i wake up from all these shit and finally settle down with the more important stuff that concerns my future.
everything's just building up within me, yet i choose not to tell anyone.
it's not like anyone can help, anyway.

Facebook is annoying me with all the emo statuses.
what the fuck do you stand to gain from telling everyone you're an emo.
would you feel happier ? i don't get it.
oh, an update about the school.
artrockcafe's selling icecream !
i bought 2 different flavor in a row, to prevent myself from buying them anymore.
how strategic, lol.

sometimes, i just wish i can transfer out of this school.
then, i can forget about everything over there,
start a new chapter, without all the screwed up bits and ideology.
yeah, sounds like a perfect story.
i'm sure many many people would be happy for me.
especially, you.

a good holiday always has to come with homework.

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