Wednesday, September 1, 2010


today just felt like any other days,
started out with tuition at 1030am.
enjoyed the longgg ass walk to the bus interchange,
nice air, cool atmosphere, sexy red ants.

didn't had time for breakfast,
parents wasn't at home.
everything felt so rushed.

bought milk tea and walked up the stairs,
heard a low husky " hello " behind me,
turned around, no one.
turned infront, Mr Low. -_-

there were only 4 human being present today,
thanks Mr Low for sacrificing your holiday for my make up lesson.
the new chapter was pretty confusing to me,
supposed to end tuition at 12, in the end stayed til 2.
all in the name of Math.

bought lunch and all,
( i shouldn't be elaborating on this topic should i ? )

had dinner outside with my family,
speaking of which, is a milestone in my life.
i couldn't finish off everything on my plate.
thanks to my sister who coerced me to finish up her ban mian and plus my curry rice.

went northpoint with my 2 sisters after that,
2nd sis spent 18942 years deciding which slipper she should buy at sportslink.
in the end bought flip flop.
how i envy, iPANEMA.

after that, went cotton on to get my shirt.
bought 2 shirt.
M is getting a TAD too small for me.

no philosophy or what some of you might label as bullshit for today.
no huge talks, no reflections, nothing.

i'm silently killing myself for not bringing the math textbook home.
while doing so, i shall sip on the Iced Coconut Latte and revise for tomorrow's hist test.

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